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Will it be Sony and Microsoft versus Google and Amazon?
Last week many industry observers were surprised when Sony and Microsoft announced a deal to work together on cloud games/AI and other technology. This deal was done at the highest level of both companies. The big question of many observers is whether Sony and Microsoft are teaming up to fight a perceived challenge from newcomers like Google and Amazon? The deal basically has Sony using some of Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform technology to develop game and content streaming serv…..
Who is Worth More? Sony and Nintendo Market Value
In June 2017, Nintendo Co stock made news when its company market value passed Sony. This was not the first time that had happened. However, it did have a great deal of investors asking us about the relative market value of both Sony and Nintendo. So, when it comes to Sony and Nintendo market value which company is worth more? One would think this is a rhetorical question. Nintendo is a pure play video game company. Sony has many divisions and products, including a video game…..
Sony Confirms Upgraded PlayStaion 4
JUNE 10, 2016 • Sony Interactive Ent. (SIE) president and global chief executive Andrew House has confirmed that a more powerful PlayStation 4 is currently under development. The disclosure came in an interview with the Financial Times. The upgraded PS4 will feature an enhanced graphics capability, support for 4K ultra high definition resoluti…..
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