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Will Sony Win the Console War by Default?
On September 16, Sony Interactive Entertainment gave an online presentation that revealed the launch date and price for the PlayStation 5. There were no major surprises. However, the event underlined how much of an advantage the PlayStation 5 has over the Xbox Series X/S. As expected, the Pla…..
Sony PlayStation 5 Has Solid Games and Design Reveal
Surprise, Sony not only revealed games, but they gave the world a glimpse of the PlayStation 5 design. With the PlayStation 5 having a large existing advantage over the Microsoft Xbox Series X, does this reveal change the analysis? This time of year, the video game industry was supposed to be gathering at the E3 show in Los Angeles. This was the place to reveal new consoles like the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. Of course, COVID-19 killed this year’s show. …..
Sony PlayStation 5 on Track for 2020 Launch
In the recent DFC Intelligence Video Game Forecast, we modeled both the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X to launch in 2020. In Sony’s recent fiscal year earnings and forecast releases the company has confirmed the PlayStation 5 launch is still on track for holiday 2020. Assuming that hardware launches are on track the big remaining question is how many units will a…..
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