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Sony Firewalk

Sony Acquires Video Game Studio

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Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) announced it has agreed to acquire Firewalk Studios from ProbablyMonsters Inc.  Previously SIE and Firewalk had announced an exclusive publishing partnership for an upcoming game. AnalysisProbablyMonsters was founded in Bellevue, WA in 2016, with Firewalk Stud…..
Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) announced it has agreed to acquire Firewalk Studios from ProbablyMonsters Inc.  Previously SIE and Firewalk had announced an exclusive publishing partnership for an upcoming game.  Analysis ProbablyMonsters was founded in Bellevue, WA in 2016, with Firewalk St…..
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Will Xbox First-Party Software Catchup to PlayStation in 2023?

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It is no secret that in recent years Microsoft has made a significant investment in beefing up its internal video game software development.  However, since the 2020 launch of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S, Sony has been ahead when it comes to notable first-party software.  This may be changing going forward as some big-name exclusives are scheduled to launch for Xbox platforms. As PlayStation 5 shortages ease, the new …..
It is no secret that in recent years Microsoft has made a significant investment in beefing up its internal video game software development.  However, since the 2020 launch of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S, Sony has been ahead when it comes to notable first-party software.  This may be changing going forward as some big-name exclusives are scheduled to launch for Xbox platforms. As PlayStation 5 shortages ease, the new …..
Read More Will Xbox First-Party Software Catchup to PlayStation in 2023?
Sony Games and Network Services

Sony Game and Network Services Revenue Soars

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Sony Group (NYSE: SONY) reported a 13% year-to-year revenue increase for the third quarter ending 12/31/22.  The biggest increase in revenue was the Games and Network Services division which saw revenue increase 53% to Â¥1,246,549 million (about $10 billion). Hardware sales of the PlayStation 5 were the biggest driver of growth for the increasing 119% as unit sales for the PS5 were 7.1 million in the quarter versus 3.9 million in the third quarter ending 12/31/21.  However full game …..
Sony Group (NYSE: SONY) reported a 13% year-to-year revenue increase for the third quarter ending 12/31/22.  The biggest increase in revenue was the Games and Network Services division which saw revenue increase 53% to Â¥1,246,549 million (about $10 billion). Hardware sales of the PlayStation 5 were the biggest driver of growth for the increasing 119% as unit sales for the PS5 were 7.1 million in the quarter versus 3.9 million in the third quarter ending 12/31/21.  However full game …..
Read More Sony Game and Network Services Revenue Soars

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