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Roblox Revenue Increases
For the first nine months ending 9/30/22, Roblox Corporation (NYSE: RBLX) revenue increased 22% to $1.65 billion. However, net loss was up to $634 million from a loss of $348 million for the first nine months of 2021. Analysis Roblox was one of the biggest gaming IPOs ever in March 2021 with an initial market value of over $38 billion. Obviously, performance standards for the company are high…..
Cloud Gaming Forecasted to Reach $13.6 Billion by 2026
The concept of consumers being able to stream games and interactive content directly from the cloud to any device has been around for years. In recent years this has started to become a reality with numerous streaming subscription services for games. A new report from DFC Intelligence forecasts that cloud gaming and interactive streaming will increase an order of magnitude over the next five years. However, much of that growth will occur for products and services that are not part of a…..
Western Game Companies Lead Record Growth In PC Games
After several years of flat to stagnant growth the PC game market grew 19% in 2020 to reach $36 billion. While much of this growth was because of increased usage due to stay-at-home orders, there are encouraging long-term signs for PC games. The most notable trend in PC games is that Western publishers are now among the biggest players in terms of revenue. For many years, China and Asia in general have been the dominant players in the PC game space. Market growth slowed as much of the …..
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