Global Video Game Consumer: Market Overview
Over 3 billion people around the globe play video games! The Global Video Game Consumer: Market Overview is a summary report that focuses on the global number of video game consumers broken down by region/country, platform, and type of user. The report is delivered in a pdf format and includes multiple charts as well as tables with all data used to create the charts.
Single User License Price (Includes report, Excel, and 1 hour call with analyst)
This summary report is part of the Global Video Game Consumer Segmentation service. This service aims to identify the worldwide gamer population and segment them by country, region, platform, and gamer type. The ultimate goal of the service is to accurately determine the number of game consumers in the world, segment them by user type and platform, eliminate double counting of users, and identify a core classification that best describes each individual user.
The report summarizes the global video game consumer segmentation with a focus on the type of platform used. It is designed as a supplement to the full pivot table spreadsheet that provides a more detailed analysis. The focus is on four platforms:
- console,
- PC,
- mobile,
- non-game users (NONE)
One of the key issues in sizing the game market is that many consumers use multiple platforms to play games. This report aims to avoid double counting of consumers by identifying the number of consumers that play on multiple platforms. In most of the analyses, such double counting is eliminated, but there may be some aggregates where consumers are double-counted. In such cases, it will be clearly labeled in the report.
This report is part of the Global Video Game Consumer Segmentation service that is designed to provide valuable insights into the global video game market and consumer behavior. The full service includes pivot tables for detailed custom analysis. If you purchase this summary overview report you can credit the purchase price towards an upgrade to additional research services.
- More granular data is available on request and can include forecasts by individual country, business model, game genre, and more.
- This report is included as part of our overall subscription program
- Purchase of this report can be credited to additional purchases within a six-month period.
Forecasts in DFC Intelligence reports are “living forecasts.” In other words, our forecasts are always being adjusted based on the latest news, events, and product announcements. Anyone ordering this report will also receive all updates for the next three months. This ensures that you are not getting out-of-date data!