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Video Game Hardware Forecasts

Video Game Hardware Forecasted to Reach $135 Billion

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It has always been a great irony that, as video game software has gone digital, spending on hardware to play games has soared.  Unlike other entertainment industries, video game hardware is definitely not a commodity. DFC Intelligence forecasts that global spending on video game hardware will grow from $82 billion in 2021 to $135 billion in 2026.  This includes console systems, PC hardware used for games and accessories such as controllers, headsets, gaming keyboards and…..
It has always been a great irony that, as video game software has gone digital, spending on hardware to play games has soared.  Unlike other entertainment industries, video game hardware is definitely not a commodity.  DFC Intelligence forecasts that global spending on video game hardware will grow from $82 billion in 2021 to $135 billion in 2026.  This includes console systems, PC hardware used for games and accessories such as controllers, headsets, gaming keyboards an…..
Read More Video Game Hardware Forecasted to Reach $135 Billion
Video Game Accessories Market

Soaring Video Game Accessories Market Reaches $11 Billion

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According to the latest report from DFC Intelligence the video game accessories market soared to $11 billion in 2020. While much of this growth was driven by stay-at-home orders and new console systems, long-term growth is expected to continue. By 2025, DFC forecasts the video game accessories market will reach $15 billion. The video game accessories market sa…..
According to the latest report from DFC Intelligence the video game accessories market soared to $11 billion in 2020. While much of this growth was driven by stay-at-home orders and new console systems, long-term growth is expected to continue. By 2025, DFC forecasts the video game accessories market will reach $15 billion. The video game accessories market sa…..
Read More Soaring Video Game Accessories Market Reaches $11 Billion

Nvidia Value More Than Sony/Nintendo Combined as PC Game Sales Soar

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The past holiday season saw a focus on the launch of PlayStation 5 and the new Xbox systems.  However, some of the biggest news was the explosion of sales for PC games.  DFC Intelligence just released its latest PC game forecasts showing that 2020 revenue for PC games reached over $36 billion.  More importantly, this is not expected to be a temporary increase.  DFC Intelligence forecasts that soaring PC ha…..
The past holiday season saw a focus on the launch of PlayStation 5 and the new Xbox systems.  However, some of the biggest news was the explosion of sales for PC games.  DFC Intelligence just released its latest PC game forecasts showing that 2020 revenue for PC games reached over $36 billion.  More importantly, this is not expected to be a temporary increase.  DFC Intelligence forecasts that soaring PC ha…..
Read More Nvidia Value More Than Sony/Nintendo Combined as PC Game Sales Soar

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