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Xbox Series X Consumer Survey

Consumer Interest In Xbox Still Behind PlayStation and Nintendo

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For several years DFC Intelligence has forecasted that PlayStation systems will continue to outperform Xbox systems by a significant margin. During 2021 there was some suggestion that interest in the Xbox Series X/S would increase with the Game Pass service and new exclusives like Halo Infinite and Forza Horizon 5. However, the latest DFC survey shows that consumers are still leaning heavily towards PlayStation and Nintendo systems.In a detailed survey conducted in October/November the…..
For several years DFC Intelligence has forecasted that PlayStation systems will continue to outperform Xbox systems by a significant margin. During 2021 there was some suggestion that interest in the Xbox Series X/S would increase with the Game Pass service and new exclusives like Halo Infinite and Forza Horizon 5. However, the latest DFC survey shows that consumers are still leaning heavily towards PlayStation and Nintendo systems. In a detailed survey conducted in October/November th…..
Read More Consumer Interest In Xbox Still Behind PlayStation and Nintendo
Console Hardware Forecast

Console Game Sales Forecasted to Set Record Even With Shortages

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The latest console forecasts for DFC Intelligence have been lowered to take into account shortages that are expected to last throughout the year. The good news is demand remains at record levels and video game sales continue to soar. However, the shortage could hurt the long-term future of the PlayStation 5. At the 2020 launch of the new systems consumers were leaning heavily towards the PlayStation 5 over the Xbox Series X/S. With the hardware shortage, Microsoft now has breathing spa…..
The latest console forecasts for DFC Intelligence have been lowered to take into account shortages that are expected to last throughout the year. The good news is demand remains at record levels and video game sales continue to soar. However, the shortage could hurt the long-term future of the PlayStation 5. At the 2020 launch of the new systems consumers were leaning heavily towards the PlayStation 5 over the Xbox Series X/S. With the hardware shortage, Microsoft now has breathing spa…..
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E3 2021 Overview

E3 2021 Highlights Shift in Industry Strategy

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Virtual E3 came and went without any major announcements.  However, the lack of news was itself newsworthy.  The E3 show highlighted how the console manufacturers have vastly different strategies going forward. The E3 show has always been primarily about the major console systems from Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo.  In recent years, Sony has dropped out of E3 while Nintendo focuses primarily on its Nintendo Direct event.  So the real hope was that E3 week would spur…..
Virtual E3 came and went without any major announcements.  However, the lack of news was itself newsworthy.  The E3 show highlighted how the console manufacturers have vastly different strategies going forward. The E3 show has always been primarily about the major console systems from Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo.  In recent years, Sony has dropped out of E3 while Nintendo focuses primarily on its Nintendo Direct event.  So the real hope was that E3 week would spur…..
Read More E3 2021 Highlights Shift in Industry Strategy

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