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2007 Posts Record Game Sales
MAY 29, 2008 • Led by the PlayStation 2 (PS2), the “128-bit” generation of video game systems has reached a record global installed base that is expected to exceed 180 million units. Of course, the PS2 was the best-selling game system ever. With high hardware prices and a slow start for most …..
Diplomatic Nintendo DS
JUNE 26, 2008 • Foreign Ministers attending the G8 summit in Kyoto were presented with special gifts, including a specially lacquered Nintendo DS, including their own Mii avatar. Impact: Nintendo is getting very savvy with its marketing. With media from throu…..
Nintendo Conquers Europe
APRIL 22, 2008 • Over the next few months DFC Intelligence will be releasing its forecast for the game industry. 2007 was a record year for the industry and it has resulted in some significant adjustments to our overall forecasts. The two most notable international growth trends highlighted in 2007 were 1) the continued strength of on…..
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