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Nintendo Results Meet Expectations

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For its fourth fiscal quarter ending 3/31/2023, Nintendo (7974.T-JP: Tokyo) (NTDOY: OTC) reported revenue was down year-over-year 18% to Â¥306,499 million.  For the full fiscal year 2023, revenue was down 6% to Â¥1,601,677 million. Switch hardware sales for the fiscal 2023 were 18 million versus 23 million in fiscal 2022.  Software unit sales were down 9% to 214 million units.For fiscal 2024, Nintendo is forecasting sales to be down 9.5% and net profit down 21.4%……
For its fourth fiscal quarter ending 3/31/2023, Nintendo (7974.T-JP: Tokyo) (NTDOY: OTC) reported revenue was down year-over-year 18% to Â¥306,499 million.  For the full fiscal year 2023, revenue was down 6% to Â¥1,601,677 million.  Switch hardware sales for the fiscal 2023 were 18 million versus 23 million in fiscal 2022.  Software unit sales were down 9% to 214 million units. For fiscal 2024, Nintendo is forecasting sales to be down 9.5% and net profit down 21.4…..
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Nintendo Direct Analysis

Nintendo Direct Highlights Solid 2023 Lineup

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The Nintendo Direct event on February 8 highlighted the upcoming Nintendo Switch products.  A major focus was on the upcoming The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom which launches May 12, 2023, at $70 for the basic version and $130 for the collector’s edition. Nintendo also did a surprise launch of the long-rumored Metroid Prime Remaster, an update of the 2002 GameCube title.  Advance Wars 1+2: Boot Camp is r…..
The Nintendo Direct event on February 8 highlighted the upcoming Nintendo Switch products.  A major focus was on the upcoming The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom which launches May 12, 2023, at $70 for the basic version and $130 for the collector’s edition. Nintendo also did a surprise launch of the long-rumored Metroid Prime Remaster, an update of the 2002 GameCube title.  Advance Wars 1+2: Boot Camp is r…..
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Nintendo Switch Unit Sales

Nintendo Lowers Switch Forecast Again

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For the third fiscal quarter ending 12/31/22, Nintendo announced revenue declined 8% to Â¥638,204.  Switch unit sales declined 23% in Q3 to 8.2 million.  For the full fiscal year ending 3/31/23, Nintendo lowered its forecast for Switch hardware units to 18 million. Software sales for Nintendo were only down 3% in the third quarter.  However digital software sales were up 10% and downloads of packaged software was up 28% compared with the previous year quarter.  Pokemon Scar…..
For the third fiscal quarter ending 12/31/22, Nintendo announced revenue declined 8% to Â¥638,204.  Switch unit sales declined 23% in Q3 to 8.2 million.  For the full fiscal year ending 3/31/23, Nintendo lowered its forecast for Switch hardware units to 18 million. Software sales for Nintendo were only down 3% in the third quarter.  However digital software sales were up 10% and downloads of packaged software was up 28% compared with the previous year quarter.  Pokemon Scar…..
Read More Nintendo Lowers Switch Forecast Again

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