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Microsoft Extends 360 Warranties

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JULY 20, 2007 • In addition to incurring a $1.06 billion charge against earnings to extend the warranty period for the Xbox 360 to three years due to an “unacceptable” number of hardware failures, Microsoft reported in an earnings statement that it shipped 700,000 Xbox 360 units during the period, compared to 1.8 million units during the fiscal fourth quarter of 2006 – 61%. less. Revenue from Xbox and PC games decreased 28% ($265 million) from fourth quarter 2006 to fourth quar…..
JULY 20, 2007 • In addition to incurring a $1.06 billion charge against earnings to extend the warranty period for the Xbox 360 to three years due to an “unacceptable” number of hardware failures, Microsoft reported in an earnings statement that it shipped 700,000 Xbox 360 units during the period, compared to 1.8 million units during the fiscal fourth quarter of 2006 – 61%. less. Revenue from Xbox and PC games decreased 28% ($265 million) from fourth quarter 2006 to fourth qua…..
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