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DFC Intelligence tracks companies active in the video game hardware space. This includes video game console systems, PC manufacturers, and accessories providers. Many companies active in hardware are classified in the conglomerates category because they have diversified product offerings. Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft are not pure hardware plays but are included here because they provide core dedicated video game consoles.
The DFC Intelligence Video Game Stock Market Index includes multiple hardware companies but not all of the companies listed here. For detailed information on individual companies click on the company link.
The Nintendo Switch set records in 2020. Despite being in tight supply, the Switch sold more hardware units than any game system during a single year. In 2021 the main question is will the Switch once again be the best-selling system for the year or can the PlayStation 5 challenge its reign?The latest DFC Intelligence console video game forecasts predict a close race between the Play…..
The past holiday season saw a focus on the launch of PlayStation 5 and the new Xbox systems. However, some of the biggest news was the explosion of sales for PC games. DFC Intelligence just released its latest PC game forecasts showing that 2020 revenue for PC games reached over $36 billion. More importantly, this is not expected to be a temporary increase.Â
DFC Intelligence forecasts that soaring PC ha…..
As a new generation of game consoles launches many observers are again wondering if this will be the end of the console era. In other words, as games go online, will game hardware, like many consumer electronics products, become a commodity? This question has been asked for years, but now takes on new importance given the strategy of companies like Microsoft that increasingly view game offerings as part of a hardware agnostic service.
The PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S/X will be in sh…..
On September 16, Sony Interactive Entertainment gave an online presentation that revealed the launch date and price for the PlayStation 5. There were no major surprises. However, the event underlined how much of an advantage the PlayStation 5 has over the Xbox Series X/S.
As expected, the Pla…..
In recent months it has become clear that Sony and Microsoft are pursuing two very different strategies in the video game industry. The likely result is that the upcoming Sony PlayStation 5 should significantly outsell the Microsoft Xbox Series X. However, Microsoft may have the long-term winning battle plan.
The latest DFC Intelligence video game console forecasts have the PlayStation 5 outselling t…..
In the recent DFC Intelligence Video Game Forecast, we modeled both the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X to launch in 2020. In Sony’s recent fiscal year earnings and forecast releases the company has confirmed the PlayStation 5 launch is still on track for holiday 2020.
Assuming that hardware launches are on track the big remaining question is how many units will a…..
The DFC Intelligence Game Hardware Stock Index focuses on companies whose primary business is providing hardware. More detailed info can be found by clicking on the company name. Some hardware companies are included in the conglomerate category.