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Amazon & Electronic Arts Discount Plans
JAN. 18, 2016 • Both, Inc. and Electronic Arts Inc. have put in place new discount plans on game title sales. Subscribers to the $99 annual Amazon Prime program now get a 20% discount on all physical game pre-order sales, plus 20% off on all titles purchased within two weeks a…..
Big Plans for Electronic Arts Esports Division
DEC. 12, 2015 • Two months after Activision Blizzard, Inc. unveiled a separate division to oversee esports opportunities, Electronic Arts, Inc. announced its own Electronic Arts Esports initiative titled Competitive Gaming Division (CGD). Chief operating officer Peter Moore is moving over to head the new division as executive vice president and chief competition officer. Joining him as senio…..
Electronic Arts PC F2P Is Cut Back
APRIL 16, 2015 • Electronic Arts Inc. is shutting down four of its major Play4Free titles for the PC platform. Battlefield Heroes, Battlefield Play4Free, FIFA World and Need for Speed World will go offline in 90 days. The publisher said all four Electronic Arts PC F2P games were no longer as popular as they once were but did not provide details on what the current number of active users are compared to previous quarters. For the fiscal quarter ending December 31…..
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