JUNE 28, 2016 • DFC Intelligence believes the under-12 market may be the lost console generation and this demographic represents a significant opportunity for game console and software [...]
JUNE 20, 2016 • The biggest E3 surprise of 2016 was clearly Microsoft Corp. announcing a new console system for release in holiday 2017. It was no surprise that Microsoft was working on something [...]
MAY 27, 2016 • As of May 22 the PlayStation 4 sales have reached 40 million units worldwide since November 2013. That total is up from the 35.9 million tally announced last January by Sony [...]
MAY 16, 2016 • The recent news that Microsoft Corp. was shutting down its highly ambitious Project Spark game/service received only muted attention but it is a sign of how the company is becoming [...]
Of course, it is common knowledge by now that the global video game industry is very big business and consumers spend a great deal of money to play games. Many analysts, including DFC [...]