Kindle Sales Top 1 Million A Week

How many games do you really want to play on a Kindle Fire?
DEC. 15, 2011 • In the weeks leading into Christmas, announced that it was selling more than 1 million Kindle devices a week worldwide. The online retailer would not say how many of those units sold were the new Fire model. Amazon had never previously announced any sales numbers for its e-reader devices.
Impact: The e-reader devices like the Fire and Barnes and Noble’s Nook Color have some strong potential to also play game applications. At a low cost, they have much more mass market appeal than a product like the Apple iPad. On the other hand, they currently have limited developer support and are clearly focused on working as reading devices. The game applications are very bare bones and without a solid model for developers it does not yet make a lot of sense to put a major focus on these platforms.