MAY 31, 2011 • Nintendo Co. Ltd. started a fire when it broke new ground introducing motion sensing controllers with great success in 2006. The consumer response to the Wii was so enormous that [...]
MAY 19, 2011 • Microsoft’s Windows division is using the lure of a free Xbox 360 promotion as an incentive to boost sales of PCs to students. Students buying a new Windows 7-based PC priced [...]
MAY 18, 2011 • Microsoft and Epic Games announced Gears of War 3 surpassed one million worldwide pre-orders, making it the fastest pre-ordered Xbox exclusive title to reach that milestone in the [...]
MAY 17, 2011 •’s Android app store has made a deal with PopCap for the latter’s first two Android titles – Chuzzle and Plants vs. Zombies – to be exclusively available [...]
MAY 11, 2011 • Google reported that there were now more than 100 million Android devices operating worldwide. What’s more, 400,000 new Android devices are registered every day. Impact: DFC [...]