NOV. 26, 2011 • One of the side effects of video game cycles that stretch on for a decade or more is that the game technology torch is passed to personal computers. While console development is [...]
NOV. 25, 2011 • Bigpoint GmbH hit it big with a virtual sale of a rare item in its DarkOrbit space action game. Plans to build the Zeus Drone, a very powerful weapons system, were put on sale for [...]
NOV. 23, 2011 • For the first time Apple allowed a game publisher to stream its titles on the iPad on a subscription basis… that is until Apple pulled the subscription app the very same [...]
NOV. 19, 2011 • Having initially discouraged most non-gaming applications that took advantage of the Kinect motion controller, Microsoft has decided to go into the other direction by launching [...]
NOV. 11, 2011 • After years of lobbying by consumers, Microsoft Entertainment used a dashboard update to enable a new option to disable automatic renewal to Xbox Live. The previous policy of [...]