JAN. 11, 2012 • According to research firm IDC, 352.4 million PC hardware units were shipped worldwide during 2011, an increase of 1.6 percent compared to 2010. Of that total, 92.7 million were [...]
JAN. 5, 2012 • The veteran Flight Simulator franchise has been on hiatus since Microsoft Corp. shut down its Aces Game Studio in 2009. The series is returning this spring, however, as a [...]
DEC. 15, 2011 • In the weeks leading into Christmas, Amazon.com announced that it was selling more than 1 million Kindle devices a week worldwide. The online retailer would not say how many of [...]
DEC. 14, 2011 • NCsoft’s Aion MMO will become a free-to-play service in Europe during the first quarter of 2012. GameForge partnered with the Korean-based publisher in overseeing the [...]
DEC. 7, 2011 • Amongst the slew of new start-ups in the social network and mobile game space during 2011, Funzio stood out for several reasons. First, there was the $20 million in funding through [...]