Video Game Market Segmentation

Why 3 Billion Video Game Players is a Meaningless Number

DFC Intelligence has often discussed how video games have become a truly global phenomenon with over three billion worldwide video game consumers.  Unfortunately, this is a fairly meaningless number that is used to justify unrealistic investments.  In most cases, the addressable market for a specific product or company is in the tens of millions or less. The top line number for DFC’s Video Game Con.....
Console Hardware Forecast

Console Game Sales Forecasted to Set Record Even With Shortages

The latest console forecasts for DFC Intelligence have been lowered to take into account shortages that are expected to last throughout the year. The good news is demand remains at record levels and video game sales continue to soar. However, the shortage could hurt the long-term future of the PlayStation 5. At the 2020 launch of the new systems consumers were leaning heavily towards the PlayStation 5 over the Xbox Series X/S. With the hardware shortage, Microsoft now has breathing spa.....
Video Game Sales Forecast

Video Game Sales To Set Record in 2021

The COVID-19 stay-at-home orders helped drive video game sales to record levels in 2020. However, even as the world starts to return to normal the video game market remains on fire. Sales in 2021 are expected to surpass 2020 as DFC Intelligence forecasts the core video game software market will grow by 10%. DFC divides video games into three major segments: PC, console and mobile. In the past year the console and PC segments have seen the most exciting growth. In 2020 PC and console ga.....
Can Video Game Software Really Sell at $70

Can Video Game Software Really Sell at $70

With the new game system launch for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S/X many are arguing that this will be the last major console hardware cycle.  However, the bigger issue is around software.  In the emerging digital age can game software maintain a premium price or are games doomed to go the way of the music industry? DFC has long argued that the demand for high-end dedicated hardware is huge and growing.  Ironically, this demand has only grown in the digital era where d.....
North American Video Game Publisher Values Soar 43% During COVID-19

North American Video Game Publisher Values Soar 43% During COVID-19

According to the latest analysis from DFC Intelligence, the market value of the leading console video game publishers in North America grew 43% in the six months from the end of February to the end of August.  This highlights a record five years of growth for the major North American video game publishers. The new DFC report is part of a series that looks at major players in the video.....
Global Video Game Consumer Population Passes 3 Billion

Global Video Game Consumer Population Passes 3 Billion

DFC Intelligence just released its latest global Video Game Consumer Segmentation.  This ongoing project breaks out the number of game consumers by country, region, and platform.  As of mid 2020, it is estimated that the number of global game consumers is approaching 3.1 billion. Of course, 3 billion is a massive number, however it only represents about 40% of the world population.  Furthermore, by far .....

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