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Nintendo Switch Sales Sales Weaker than Wii in First Year
In our recent report on the Nintendo Switch sales, we made the point that, while the Switch is a successful system, its sales were not likely to compare to maj…..
Analyzing the Nintendo Switch After One Year: Nintendo Labo
As we have mentioned in past posts, Nintendo is a Japanese toy company that also happens to make video games. No product better describes this reality than the new Nintendo Labo. The Labo was a surprise announcement in January of this year, for launch in April. Labo officially launched in the United States and Japan on April 20, 2018. This will be followed by a Europe launch on April 27th. Labo clearly looks to be a hit in Japan, but the fairly-muted reaction to the product outsi…..
Will Nintendo Switch Make Money for Third-Party Developers?
The successful launch of the Nintendo Switch in March 2017 took many in the game industry by surprise. Of course, the same reaction happened over a decade before with the launch of the Nintendo Wii. The latest DFC Intelligence brief on the Switch, forecasts continued success for the system. However, these forecast come with warnings that the Switch is still a fairly modest player in the overall video…..
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