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Can Elder Scrolls Become the Next Metaverse?
Elder Scrolls is a 25-year old action role-playing series set in a fantasy universe. Like many franchises with tens of millions of users, observers are starting to ask whether products like Elder Scrolls have the potential to become a metaverse. The concept of a metaverse is a hot buzzword in video games. A metaverse is basically a virtual 3D space where users can interact with each other. Not only can they communicate but they can build their own environments…..
New Microsoft Xbox Series X Announcements
On February 24, Xbox head Phil Spencer released a blog post with the latest on the Xbox Series X. This was the latest in a trickle of new information about the upcoming game system. Once again, this is line with what DFC believes is a solid strategy of slowly leaking information to an eager audience. The official Microsoft blog post contained little in the way of new information…..
When Will We Officially See the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X?
The year is young, but we are already looking towards the upcoming holiday season. There has been a continuing drought in terms of new big-ticket games being released. Right now, it looks that the launch of new console systems this fall may not see much in the way of new product. This begs the question, do the new console systems even need games to be successful? Of course, that is a rhetorical question and the answer is of course the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X need games. However…..
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