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Microsoft Flight Simulator Highlights A Bold Microsoft Strategy
Much of the news about Microsoft’s plans for a new video game console system has come out this week. What is clear is that Microsoft is focused on a service-based subscription model. However, one of the best indications of where Microsoft is going may be Microsoft Flight Simulator which launched for PC in August. The Flight Simulator franchise has been around since 1982 when Microsoft was using it to promote IBM DOS-based PCs. In 1996, the franchise moved to Windows…..
Microsoft Throws a Hail Mary with Xbox Series S
The rumors about a watered-down digital only version of the upcoming Microsoft Xbox Series X have been going on for quite some time. In the past few days the details about the system, originally known as Project Lockhart, started to catch fire. Finally, on Tuesday September 8, Microsoft officially announced the rumors were true and a new system the Xbox Series S would launch November 10, 2020. The Xbox Series S will launch at the bargain price of $299. However, the Xbox Series S featur…..
Game Pass Could Be Microsoft’s Secret Weapon
On Thursday July 23, Microsoft finally revealed some key titles for the upcoming Xbox Series X via its online Xbox Games Showcase. The lineup looks solid, but the most notable feature seems to be the Xbox Game Pass service. The irony for Microsoft is that this service does not necessarily require a consumer to own the upcoming Xbox system. Game Pass is a subscription service that allows subscribers to play over 100 high-end games. The cost is $5 a month for PC game access, $10 a month …..
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