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Minecraft Popularity Continues to Soar
Throughout 2019, DFC Intelligence has noted how Minecraft was making a major comeback among the school-age audience. This was after a slow period of general decline with the Microsoft purchase and rise of Fortnite. Over the summer, Minecraft saw a continued increase in usage. The Minecraft ecosystem is poised to be a major driver of future video game industry trends. In May, we wrote about how M…..
Microsoft Announces New Project Scarlett Game Console
On June 9, 2019, Microsoft held its annual E3 press conference. The company announced some new product plans and confirmed the launch of a new console system in late 2020. This new console is currently code-named Project Scarlett. DFC Intelligence is releasing its latest forecasts for all Microsoft systems including Project Scarlett. Overall there were no major surprises with this s…..
Will it be Sony and Microsoft versus Google and Amazon?
Last week many industry observers were surprised when Sony and Microsoft announced a deal to work together on cloud games/AI and other technology. This deal was done at the highest level of both companies. The big question of many observers is whether Sony and Microsoft are teaming up to fight a perceived challenge from newcomers like Google and Amazon? The deal basically has Sony using some of Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform technology to develop game and content streaming serv…..
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