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PlayStation 5 Forecast

PlayStation 5 Sales Disappoint

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For the fiscal year ending 3/31/2024 Sony Group (NYSE: SONY) reported that its Games and Network Services division had revenue of Â¥4,267,734 (about $27 billion), up 17% over the previous fiscal year.  However, for the fourth quarter revenue was flat compared to the previous year at Â¥1,097,331 (about $7 billion).For the full fiscal year, Sony sold 20.8 million PlayStation 5 units, below its previous estimate of 25 million (lowered to 21 million in February).  Hardware sales …..
For the fiscal year ending 3/31/2024 Sony Group (NYSE: SONY) reported that its Games and Network Services division had revenue of Â¥4,267,734 (about $27 billion), up 17% over the previous fiscal year.  However, for the fourth quarter revenue was flat compared to the previous year at Â¥1,097,331 (about $7 billion). For the full fiscal year, Sony sold 20.8 million PlayStation 5 units, below its previous estimate of 25 million (lowered to 21 million in February).  Hardware sales…..
Read More PlayStation 5 Sales Disappoint
PlayStation Project Q

Sony Announces Upcoming Portable PlayStation

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At the recent online PlayStation Showcase, Sony Interactive Entertainment announced Project Q, a dedicated device launching later in 2023.  Project Q is a portable device with an 8-inch LCD screen that will allow users to stream and …..
At the recent online PlayStation Showcase, Sony Interactive Entertainment announced Project Q, a dedicated device launching later in 2023.  Project Q is a portable device with an 8-inch LCD screen that will allow users to stream and …..
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PlayStation 5 Sales Set Record

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The Games and Network Services division of Sony Group (NYSE: SONY) reported a 61% year-to-year revenue increase for the fourth quarter ending 3/31/23.  Game hardware revenue was up 180% as Sony sold 6.3 million PlayStation 5 systems.  Network services revenue was up 14%, while software was up 11%. Analysis This was the news everyone was waiting for.  After Microsoft repor…..
The Games and Network Services division of Sony Group (NYSE: SONY) reported a 61% year-to-year revenue increase for the fourth quarter ending 3/31/23.  Game hardware revenue was up 180% as Sony sold 6.3 million PlayStation 5 systems.  Network services revenue was up 14%, while software was up 11%. Analysis This was the news everyone was waiting for.  After Microsoft repor…..
Read More PlayStation 5 Sales Set Record

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