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Microsoft Activision Blizzard Ushers in New Era for Game Industry
The completion of the Microsoft acquisition of Activision Blizzard launches a new era for the video game industry. After years of struggle Microsoft has bought itself a position as a leading industry force. The overall impact will be huge but remains uncertain. However, we can start sketching out the major players and how this battle for market control is likely to play out. Microsoft is Now Largest Video Game Publisher In recen…..
Nvidia Grows Beyond Games
On March 22, DFC Intelligence had the privilege to join a private analyst briefing with Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang. This was an opportunity to ask Huang detailed questions following his keynote at the Nvidia GTC conference the previous day. The focus was almost entirely on Nvidia’s future in AI. The key takeaway from the keynote and briefing was that Nvidia is in the process of its most expansive growth of business model ever. That expansion is into AI which is hitting…..
Nvidia Game Revenue Declines 28% in FY 2023
For the fiscal year ending January 29, 2023, Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA) saw its gaming revenue decline 28% from FY 2022 to $9.1 billion. Overall annual revenue was flat at $27 billion. For fiscal 2023 net income was down 55% YOY to $4.4 billion. Analysis The past year was rough for Nvidia, but the company is clearly poised for strong growth in coming quarters. Investors are once again bullish as the company stands to benefit from the growth of the…..
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